Teacher Spotlight: Kathy Beinke

Teacher Spotlight: Kathy Beinke

NAME: Kathy Beinke POSITION: Accounts Manager/Front Office Assistant                 BIRTHDAY:  December 30 JOINED OUR TEAM: March 2011   NAMES OF FAMILY (FUR BABIES INCLUDED): Rick (husband), Bridget (daughter), Chris (son-in-law), Naomi (granddaughter, Aiden...

“I have been beyond blessed to have my kids in such a loving environment for the past 4 years. I can’t say enough good things about our experience and the amazing staff. Thank you to everyone at the Center who has loved my kids as their own and taught them so much through the years. We love you.”

Parent Testimonial, 8/30/17 shared on the ELC Parent’s Corner group page
Stephanie Helphrey

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Guidelines, Rates, and Fees

Guidelines, Rates, and Fees

We’ve created this handy guide to help you understand the Early Learning Center Guidelines! Also inside, you will find the rates and fees and how you can get discounts by having more than one child attend St. Paul’s ELC. Check it out here: ELC Guidelines,...